In the popular entertainment show Inkognito, cellist and MyCello creator Ondřej Kratochvíl made an appearance, his profe...
MyCello, renowned for its 3D-printed cellos, proudly embraces an eco-friendly approach. It has joined forces with Plasti...
Following our customers' requests, we are thrilled to expand our offer with the "mirror design MyCello" service, special...
With joy, we announce that the talented Kateřina Jagla has joined the MyCello team as a new ambassador! Her passion for ...
Students were excited about the MyCello project The year 2023 brought many new experiences, and one of them was a visit...
The Bürgerfest is known for its rich cultural program and serves as an important platform for the presentation of volunt...
An event at the presidential residence As the saying goes, appearances are often deceiving, which is also true of the n...
Přerov (CZ) - Third place at the Creative Business Cup (CBC) international business competition in Copenhagen a yea...
We understand that purchasing a cello can be a significant investment, both financially and emotionally. We also know th...
A quality musical instrument for reasonable money Looking for a full-featured, affordable musical instrument with quali...